Stellar Model Parameters

The &model namelist group defines stellar model parameters, as follows:


Type of model to use; one of:


Name of file (when model_type= 'POLY'|'EVOL')


Format of file (when model_type= 'EVOL'); one of

  • 'AMDL' : AMDL-format binary file

  • 'B3' : B3-format HDF5 file

  • 'FAMDL' : FAMDL-format text file

  • 'FGONG' : FGONG-format text file

  • 'GSM' : GSM-format HDF5 file

  • 'LOSC' : LOSC-format text file

  • 'MESA' : MESA/GYRE-format text file

  • 'OSC' : OSC-format text file

  • 'WDEC' : WDEC-format text file

data_format (default '', indicates auto-select)

Fortran format specifier for data read from OSC-, FGONG- and FAMDL-format files

deriv_type (default 'MONO')

Cubic interpolation derivatives type (when model_type='EVOL' and interp_type='CUBIC'); One

  • 'SPLINE' : Spline (non-local) derivatives

  • 'FINDIFF' : Finite-difference derivatives

  • 'MONO' : Monotonized derivatives (default)

Gamma_1 (default 5/3)

First adiabatic exponent (when model_type='HOM'|'ANAPOLY_*')

theta_s (default 0)

Surface value of polytropic dependent variable (when model_type='ANAPOLY_0'|'ANAPOLY_1'|'ANAPOLY_5')

x_match (default 0.5)

Radial coordinate of match point between inner and outer regions (when model_type='ANAPOLY_5_1')

grid_type (default 'UNI')

Model grid type (when model_type='HOM'|'ANAPOLY_*'); one of

  • 'UNI' : Uniform spacing

  • 'GEO' : Geometric spacing

  • 'LOG' : Logarithmic spacing

n (default 10)

Number of points in model grid (when model_type='HOM'|'ANAPOLY_*')

s (default 1)

Skewness parameter for model grid (when model_type='HOM'|'ANAPOLY_*' and grid_type='GEO'|'LOG')

x_i (default 0)

Inner boundary coordinate of model grid (when model_type='HOM'|'ANAPOLY_*')

x_o (default 1)

Outer boundary coordinate of model grid (when model_type='HOM'|'ANAPOLY_*')

dx_snap (default 0)

Threshold for snapping model points together, when model_type is 'EVOL'. If a pair of points are separated by less than dx_snap, they are snapped together.

add_center (default .TRUE.)

Flag to add a center point to the model (when model_type='EVOL'|'POLY'). If a point does not already exist at the origin, then one is added

interp_type (default 'CUBIC')

Interpolation type (when model_type='EVOL'|'POLY'); one of

  • 'CUBIC' : Piecewise cubic

  • 'LINEAR' : Piecewise linear

repair_As (default .FALSE.)

Flag to repair inaccuracies in the dimensionless Brunt-Väisälä frequency at density discontinuities

constrain_derivs (default .TRUE.)

Flag to constrain first derivatives of \(V_2\), \(U\) and \(c_1\) structure coefficients, in accordance with equations (20) and (21) of Takata (2006a) and the hydrostatic equilibrium equation (when model_type='EVOL')