
Intended Audience

This manual is aimed at a broad audience — whether you’re a GYRE novice or a seasoned veteran, it provides you with the information you’ll need to get the most out of GYRE. However, it does presume some experience with Unix command-line environments, and likewise some basic familiarity with the subject of stellar oscillations. If you need the former, then the Internet is your oyster; and for the latter, we recommend the following online resources:

Obtaining GYRE

The source code for GYRE is hosted in the git repository on GitHub. GYRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.

Citing GYRE

If you use GYRE in your research, please cite one or more of the relevant ‘instrument’ papers:

If you find yourself using GYRE on a regular basis, you might consider contributing to the project to ensure its long-term success. Options include

  • contributing code to the project (e.g., via GitHub pull requests), to extend GYRE’s capabilities;

  • contributing documentation and tutorials to the project, to make GYRE more user-friendly;

  • inviting the GYRE team to be co-authors on relevant papers;

  • inviting the GYRE team to be co-investigators on relevant grant applications.

Development Team

GYRE remains under active development by the following team:

  • Rich Townsend (University of Wisconsin-Madison); project leader

  • Warrick Ball (University of Birmingham)

  • Earl Bellinger (MPIA Garching)

  • Zhao Guo (Cambridge University)

  • Mathias Michielsen (KU-Leuven)

  • Joel Ong (University of Hawaii-Manoa)

  • Jarret Rosenberg (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

  • Meng Sun (Northwestern University)

  • Vincent Vanlaer (KU-Leuven)

Former developers include:

  • Jacqueline Goldstein (MIT)

  • Aaron Lopez

Also, the following people have made valuable contributions toward testing GYRE:

  • Siemen Burssens (KU Leuven)

  • Timothy Van Reeth (KU Leven)


GYRE has been developed with financial support from the following grants:

  • NSF awards AST-0908688, AST-0904607, ACI-1339606, ACI-1663696, and AST-1716436;

  • NASA awards NNX14AB55G, NNX16AB97G, and 80NSSC20K0515.

GYRE has also benefited greatly from contributions (code, bug reports, feature requests) from the academic community. Thanks, folks!