Output Parameters

The &ad_output and &nad_output namelist groups determine the output produced at the end of a run, from the adiabatic and non-adiabatic calculation stages, respectively; the input file should contain exactly one of each. Allowable parameters are:

summary_file (default '')

Name of summary file

summary_file_format (default 'HDF')

Format of summary file; one of

  • 'HDF' : HDF5 file

  • 'TXT' : Text file

summary_item_list (default 'l,n_pg,omega,freq')

Comma-separated list of output items to write to summary file; see the Summary Files section for possible choices

summary_filter_list (default '')

Comma-separated list of filter criteria for summary files; see the Output Filters section for possible choices

detail_template (default '')

Name template of detail files. Names are generated using the following pattern substitutions:

  • '%J' : Unique mode index \(j\), formatted in fixed-width field

  • '%j' : Same as '%J', but formatted in variable-width field

  • '%L' : Harmonic degree \(\ell\), formatted in fixed-width field

  • '%l' : Same as '%L', but formatted in variable-width field

  • '%M' : Azimuthal order \(m\), formatted in fixed-width field

  • '%m' : Same as '%M', but formatted in variable-width field

  • '%N' : Radial order \(n_{\rm pg}\), formatted in fixed-width field

  • '%n' : Same as '%N', but formatted in variable-width field

  • '%P' : Acoustic wave winding number \(n_{\rm p}\), formatted in fixed-width field

  • '%p' : Same as '%P', but formatted in variable-width field

  • '%G' : Gravity wave winding number \(n_{\rm g}\), formatted in fixed-width field

  • '%g' : Same as '%G', but formatted in variable-width field

detail_file_format (default 'HDF')

Format of detail files; one of

  • 'HDF' : HDF5 file

  • 'TXT' : text file

detail_item_list (default 'l,n_pg,omega,freq,x,xi_r,xi_h')

Comma-separated list of output items to write to detail files; see the Detail Files section for possible choices

detail_filter_list (default '')

Comma-separated list of filter criteria for detail files; see the Output Filters section for possible choices

freq_units (default NONE)

Units of freq output item; one of:

  • 'NONE' : Dimensionless angular frequency

  • 'HZ' : linear frequency in Hz1

  • 'UHZ' : linear frequency in μHz1

  • 'RAD_PER_SEC' : angular frequency in radians per second1

  • 'CYC_PER_DAY' : linear frequency in cycles per day1

  • 'ACOUSTIC_DELTA' : Fraction of the asymptotic acoustic large frequency separation \(\Delta \nu\)

  • 'GRAVITY_DELTA' : Fraction of the asymptotic inverse gravity period separation \((\Delta P)^{-1}\)

  • 'UPPER_DELTA' : Greater of \(\Delta \nu\) and \((\Delta P)^{-1}\)

  • 'LOWER_DELTA' : Lesser of \(\Delta \nu\) and \((\Delta P)^{-1}\)

  • 'ACOUSTIC_CUTOFF' : fraction of the acoustic cutoff frequency1

  • 'GRAVITY_CUTOFF' : fraction of the gravity cutoff frequency1

  • 'ROSSBY_I' : fraction of Rossby frequency at inner boundary

  • 'ROSSBY_O' : fraction of Rossby frequency at outer boundary

freq_frame (default INERTIAL)

Frame of freq output item; one of:

  • 'INERTIAL' : Inertial frame

  • 'COROT_I' : Co-rotating frame at inner boundary

  • 'COROT_O' : Co-rotating frame at outer boundary

label (default '')

Textual label to add to all output files



This option is available only for stellar models with D capability