Rotation Parameters

The &rot namelist group defines rotational parameters, as follows:

coriolis_method (default 'NULL')

Method used to treat the Coriolis force; one of:

  • 'NULL' : Neglect the Coriolis force

  • 'TAR' : Use the traditional approximation of rotation

Omega_rot_source (default 'MODEL')

Source for rotational angular velocity \(\Omega\); one of:

  • 'MODEL' : Differential rotation, with a spatially varying \(\Omega\) obtained from the stellar model

  • 'UNIFORM' : Uniform rotation, with a spatially constant \(\Omega\) set by the Omega_rot and Omega_rot_units parameters

Omega_rot (default 0)

Rotation angular frequency (when Omega_rot_source='UNIFORM')

Omega_rot_units (default 'NULL')

Units of Omega_rot (when Omega_rot_source='UNIFORM'); one of:

  • 'NONE' : Dimensionless angular frequency

  • 'HZ' : Linear frequency in Hz1

  • 'UHZ' : Linear frequency in μHz1

  • 'RAD_PER_SEC' : Angular frequency in radians per second1

  • 'CYC_PER_DAY' : Linear frequency in cycles per day1

  • 'CRITICAL' : Fraction of the Roche critical rate1

rossby (default .FALSE.)

Flag to use Rossby solution family in TAR (when coriolis_method='TAR')

complex_lambda (default .FALSE.)

Flag to use complex arithmetic when evaluating the TAR angular eigenvalue \(\lambda\) (when coriolis_method='TAR')

tag_list (default '', which matches all)

Comma-separated list of &mode tags to match



This option is available only for stellar models with D capability